Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday be the Day...

Well we just got word that Monday July 2nd by 12 noon we shall be receiving Transformers!!..At least the excitement of wondering when it might show up is settled somewhat..If for some extraordinary occasion it arrives early like a Saturday perhaps then I would be more than ecstatic but I would place my bets on Monday..Hey!! Instead I get to pass the time by watching Hollywood probably fuck up another action franchise by making the final installment PG-13..Come on now didn't Fox learn a fuckin lesson with AVP...But then again I could be wrong at its at least manageable to watch..

Over the weekend Jason and Letha visited for a wedding so we got to hang out with them the past couple of days which was great..Also we had a big paintball game on Sunday which had been long overdue..Mark has mentioned another game against some formidable opponents it seems ,so I am excited, and the game wouldn't be at our usual killing grounds..."Aint no room Peter Pan on this hunt"--Sniper, Tom Berenger

It looks like Fox will hopefully get things rolling with Halo becoming a movie finally..They have said the gears are back in motion for the game adaptation which leaves me very happy..Lots of money to be made there..

Well I have just heard from Jason saying he and Letha have landed safely so thats good..and I gotta go change and get ready for some Futbol...

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