Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Catching Up...

Well I am not too sure where to begin....I know its been a little longer than I would have liked to blog..Ill start by saying thank you to my boss at the theater for giving me 2 FREE tickets to the Indy 500 this past Sunday..Even though it rained about 80% of the time it was a great experience..I went with Fallons dad Rodney..I knew he liked racing to some extent and thought he would have a good time..The kicker is that the elevator company he works for has a party bus that the owners son uses and some other employees ride along with to the races..We literally got a police escort past all of the traffic, that was fucking awesome..Afterwards I told him if I ever come into tickets for races again then I know who I am calling..I went to the Brickyard for Nascar on 2004 and have to say the crowds are somewhat different..Its just amazing to see and hear how fast these cars are really going..

**Movie Review**
Last night Phil and I went to Clearwater and watched the movie Bug..Now I dont really toss this word around alot with movies mainly because I really try to find good things about a movie before declaring it absolutely horrible,but this was FUCKING RIDICULOUS..People were actually laughing and I wasn't mad that they were. They totally dupe you in the trailer to think this is a sci-fi flick which I would have been happy with just some kind of thriller..It was 2 fucking people who manifest things off of each other and the acting isnt any good at all for that..WOWWWWWWWW..Reall Bad..I think if Mike Maier had come he would have walked out..

Well time to go start movies...Later

1 comment:

mmaier2112 said...

I wouldn't have walked out, I'd have puked from laughing too hard, sounds like.

Sorry I pussied out on ya. Things sucked the last two weeks, but things are looking up finally.